The trial Chamber VII of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “Court”) has scheduled a hearing on 17 September 2018 at 3:00 p.m. (Hague local time) to deliver its decision re-sentencing Mr Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Mr Aimé Kilolo Musamba and Mr Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo.
 Scheduling order
Background: On 19 October 2016, Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, Aimé Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fidèle Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido were found guilty of offences against the administration of justice related to intentionally corruptly influencing witnesses and soliciting false testimonies of defence witnesses in the other case against Mr Bemba at the ICC. On 22 March 2017, Trial Chamber VII delivered the sentences in the case.
On 8 March 2018, the Appeals Chamber confirmed the convictions in respect of most of the charges. However, it acquitted Mr Bemba, Mr Kilolo and Mr Mangenda of the charge of presenting evidence that a party knows is false or forged. The convictions and acquittals in relation to the five accused are now final.
Regarding the sentences, the Appeals Chamber rejected the appeals of Mr Bemba, Mr Babala and Mr Arido; the sentences imposed on Mr Babala and Mr Arido are now final. But the Appeals Chamber granted the Prosecutor’s appeal. It reversed the sentences of Mr Bemba, Mr Mangenda and Mr Kilolo and remanded the matter to the Trial Chamber for a new determination.
For further information on the case, click here.

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